When does Adobe stop supporting flash?

Primary support ends December 31, 2020

You can read more about this here:

Why is flash going away?

Among many other reasons, most of the functionality once only available in Flash is now available through a myriad of technologies built upon open web standards. Flash is no longer required and due to the waning usage and support, security and reliability concerns will continue to grow.

Our Plan

We started in 2017

We have taken a longer, slower roll-out of flash replacement components that started two years ago and allowed us to avoid dropping all changes at once on our customers.

The only portion remaining in flash that needs to be replaced is the map editor. All other components including the Admin, the API, booth sales, the mobile app, the public maps, and speakers and schedules have been fully HTML5 and open standards compliant since 2018.

Our Replacement Timeline

What has been completed

Map Menus, Exhibitor profile pop-up display in HTML5

Public Maps Display on Desktop and Mobile available in HTML5

February 1, 2020 - Map provisioning process defined


July 1, 2020 - Booth editor core functionality in HTML5

August 1, 2020 - BETA version of map editor available for testing

September 1, 2020 - Final map editor version available to the public